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My Philosophy

My philosophy is one of loving kindness, unity consciousness, and honoring the Divine in all things as we each remember to shine and align with Oneness and the Source of all things on our individually magnificent soul’s journey through infinity.

It is one of doing no harm to ourselves or one another, to humbly honoring the sacredness of life in all its forms and to be in right relations with all beings – the land and air and fire and water, above, below, and center, seen and unseen, plants, and animals and spirits, all creatures great and small, in all dimensions and realms.
It is one of presence and being here now in loving awareness and allowing others their right to be.
It supports balance of divine masculine and feminine energies within and without, in all we do and are.
It is an embodied philosophy and way of being, of health and wellness on all levels, of healthy boundaries, sovereignty, plurality within unity, and self responsibility in loving community.
It includes a willingness to be doing our work, to shine the light on our shadows, and compassionately and humbly bring clarity and vision to our blind spots.
May we live and love and pray and play in joy and forgiveness, grace and groundedness, ever-evolving and changing, centered in that which always is.
That being said (and whether it made sense or not ;)…


We might be a good fit to work together if:
  • You’re a lightworker in some way, illuminating and bringing your light to the places and spaces and relationships you’re in.
  • You have had awakening experiences and would like to integrate them in a more embodied way.
  • You sense that there’s more going on than just the physical and would like to open up to experience more.
  • You want to feel a greater connection to yourself, to life, to others, to nature, to the divine, to energy, to flow, to the universe.
  • You’ve got a lot of resources in spirituality and would like to ground it down through and into your embodied experience.
  • You’ve spent a lot of your life a short distance from your body and are ready to be safely embodied and rooted.
  • You know you have gifts to give and are ready to transform old patterns that have been holding you back.
  • A friend didn’t know how to exactly describe what I do, but has experienced some profound healing and thought you might really like to check it out.
  • You’ve tried everything else… what the heck?
  • You’re a cosmic adventurer and love to explore cool stuff.
If you feel like we may be a good fit to work together, please contact us, and we can explore the possibilities.