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Group Divination

Group Divination


We are of the earth and waters, the sky and stars.  We are part of the sacred connection of all life, and forgetting this causes us to feel orphaned from the family of all things, separate and alone, and to mistreat ourselves and one another in an illusion of separation.

It is time for us to re-member the love that we are and our place in the family of things, to reconnect with our ancestors, the living world and nature beings around us, with our own wild nature and the Great Mystery.

Join us as we gather online for an earth~based reading to explore a deeper healing and reciprocity, in making offerings to nourish our connections with the living world, the wild, the seen and unseen.

Group divination with individual opportunities.
Please bring a quarter and a pen and paper!


* Dr. Tiffany is initiated in a Dagara-rooted, indigenous, land-based medicine tradition, what some would call a ‘shamanic’ tradition; the origin of the word ‘shaman’ comes from the Evenki people of Siberia and northern Eurasia, who use it to describe an individual with the power to mediate between the humans, animals, and spirits, and who, in traditional indigenous societies, functions as a healer, seer, and custodian of cultural tradition.



Offered by pay-what-you-can donation.

* These online gatherings are not intended to replace medical care – please seek that as needed!

